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About Our Rav

Continuing the legacy

TICK is proud to have Rabbi Moshe Winter at the helm as its spiritual leader, having succeeded his Father, our long time beloved Rav, Rabbi Aaron Winter, ZT"L.  


Rabbi Winter and Rebbitzen Tziri Winter joined our Kehilla in 2015 as Rav Moshe was selected as founding Rosh Kollel of our Chesterfield Kollel.  For three years, Rabbi Winter worked closely with his Father building our community with Kollel initiatives and by bringing heightened levels of Torah study to our members.


When Rabbi Aaron Winter was tragically taken from us in 2018, the community asked Rav Moshe to step into his father's role and help fill the tremendous void felt in our community.

Since then, Rabbi Moshe has been driven to continue his Father's vision of building a vibrant community dedicated to religious growth and the ethical values of our Torah.


Rabbi Winter grew up in Chesterfield, Missouri and graduated from the local Epstein Hebrew Academy Day School.  From there, Rabbi Winter attended Yeshiva Chofetz Chaim of Milwaukee for seven years before continuing his studies in Eretz Yisroel.  After learning in Israel, Rabbi Winter learned in Yeshiva Chofetz Chaim of Queens, New York where he studied many Talmudic tractates as well as Jewish Law in Shulchan Aruch.  Along the way, Rabbi Winter also earned a Masters Degree in Accounting from Touro College.


Rabbi Winter has brought a wave of excitement to our community and has been able to connect with members of all ages and religious backgrounds.  He currently offers many weekly Shiurim on Talmud, Halacha, and Mussar.  He also gives classes on parenting and marriage for our newly married couples.  His weekly Shabbos sermons echo the teaching of his Father, bringing Rabbi Aaron Winter's mesorah to life within our Kehilla.

Rabbi Winter married Tziri Rosenholtz in 2011.  Rebbetzin Tziri grew up in Monsey, New York and studied in Darchei Bina in Eretz Yisroel.  She is a practicing speech therapist focusing on early intervention and the social development of young children.  She is a source of inspiration and kindness which has enabled her to connect with all of our members. 


Rabbi and Rebbitzen Winter are blessed Ka"H with four children who love growing up in Chesterfield.  Together, the Rabbi and Rebbitzen are following their parent's legacy of building deep rooted relationships with our community that should last many years to come.

Tpheris Israel,  14550 Ladue Rd, Chesterfield, MO 63017 |  |  Tel: 314-469-7060

©2023 by Tpheris Israel Chevra Kadisha. 

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